Hi, I’m Colin.

I’m an artist, father, husband, and citizen. I work on multiple projects at once, each distinct but informing the others. I always show the means of production. The process, the fingerprints, the screwups.

I have two young kids; my world is small. I’m confident out of necessity; I no longer have room for aimlessness or indecision. When I steal time, storytelling, anxiousness, research, and humor are used to make things that solve problems or to make things about the idea of solving problems.

Essential Knowledge, my central project, is a series of instructional drawings I make to learn, retain information, and figure things out. They are for sharing obsessions, life lessons, jokes, and revealing too much.

Hopefully, as I draw about what is most important, it will make us all a little more formidable when facing life’s challenges.